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Periods you to definitely count against their limitation qualification several months

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Periods you to definitely count against their limitation qualification several months

There can be a limit to the restriction time period (mentioned in academic age) to located Head Subsidized Money. Generally, you do not receive Head Subsidized Financing for more than 150% of your penned length of your system. This is certainly named their “restrict qualification months.” You could usually discover the had written period of one system away from data on the school’s collection.

Instance, when you are signed up for a cuatro-seasons bachelor’s degree system, the most several months where you can be discovered Lead Paid Funds was 6 ages (150% regarding cuatro age = six many years). When you’re signed up for a two-12 months representative education system, the utmost months in which you is also found Lead Subsidized Fund was three years (150% away from two years = 36 months).

Their restriction qualifications several months is founded on the fresh new composed length of your existing program. Read more